Our Organization

ECO-02 is a non-profit organization funded primarily by Health Canada through the Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN), and the Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise (SRQEA) with the goals of working to enhance the regional and community capacity of our partners, and increasing accessibility to health and social services for our community members.

ECO-02 strives to accomplish these goals through establishing relationships with our community partners and building trust with the English-speaking community through shared social activities, knowledge sharing, tool developement and networking.

We are proud to be a part of CHSSN’s Network Partnership Initiative (NPI), a network of community organizations across the province dedicated to improving access to health and social services for English-speakers. Through frequent Community Practice meetings, professional development training and conferences, as well as a willingness to share our successes with each other, ECO-02 and our fellow NPI partners continue to make a difference in our regions for the English-speaking Communities we serve.

The five pillars of an NPI.

CHSSN’s map of NPI organizations across the province of Québec.